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FX News


Neil Poyton, Director

Since starting Spartan FX, Neil has been responsible for the private dealing desk. He works with a large portfolio of private clients, helping them manage their foreign exchange risk, and provide expert guidance and market commentary. Neil has over a decade of experience in the FX industry and he has also worked as a future and options equity derivatives trader at Morgan Stanley and Citi.

Gary Steadman, Director

Gary has worked in deliverable foreign exchange for over 20 years and is skilled in FX hedging and strategic planning. Gary is responsible for managing Spartan FX’s corporate dealing team, working with a client base ranging from blue-chip corporations to small SMEs.

Sarah Davie, Head of Partnerships 

Sarah has been in the FX industry for 15 years and has been previously responsible for managing the international payments partner content for The Telegraph, The Daily Mail, City AM, CNN, Sainsbury's Bank and Post Office. She regularly gives FX presentations at industry events which have included a British Chamber of Commerce event and ‘Meet the Fund Manager’ with Ablestoke Financial Planning LLP and Henderson.